Bulan: April 2019

Komunitas openSUSE Indonesia

Memasang Snap Pada openSUSE Leap 15.0

Mari kita coba memasang snap pada openSUSE Leap. Berikut langkahnya. Tambahkan repo snap sudo zypper addrepo –refresh https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/system:/snappy/openSUSE_Leap_15.0 snappy Impor gpg secara otomatis sudo zypper –gpg-auto-import-keys refresh Pasang snap sudo zypper install snapd Anda perlu menyalakan ulang komputer atau keluar dan masuk ke user Anda lagi, atau jalankan source /etc/profile untuk menambahkan /snap/bin ke PATH …

openSUSE + GNOME + Transactional Updates = Have Fun

Apa itu transactional updates? A “transactional update” is a kind of update that: is atomic – the update does not influence your running system can be rolled back – if the upgrade fails or if the newer software version is not compatible with your infrastructure, you can quickly restore the situation as it was before …